
  • The term of office of Judge Vangelina Markudova has ended today

    We would like to inform you that the Constitutional Court would work with six out of a total of nine Judges, due to the completion of the term of office of Judge Vangelina Markudova. Judge Markudova attended her last session on Wednesday, 7th December, when her duties at the Constitutional Court were over. Judge Markudova…

  • Transparency of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of North Macedonia

    The work of the Constitutional Court is available to the public. The Constitutional Court informs the public through its website about all news and events, and sends invitations to the media so they can follow the sessions. Journalists, representatives of NGOs, and the public can attend the sessions because of the availability sessions. The Court…

  • New WEB address

    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia has changed the WEB address into www.ustavensud.mk or www.constitutionalcourt.mk