

    Вовед On the basis of Article 110 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and Article 71 of the Book of Procedures of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, No.70/1992), at its session held on 19 January 2005, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of…


    RESOLUTION Summaries of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia (published in the Regular Bulletin of the Sub-Commission for Constitutional Justice, affiliated with the European Commission for Democracy through Law, Venice Commission, Council of Europe) MKD-2002-2-005 a) Republic of Macedonia / b) Constitutional Court / c) 17.07.2002 / d) 67/2002 /…


    Preface The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, by virtue of Art.110 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and Art.71 of the Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” No.70/92), at its session held on July 16, 2003 adopted the…